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Multicolored Roses

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Multicolored Roses - A Perfect Bouquet to Express your Love


The multicolored roses bouquet of roses in a variety of colors is meant to convey feelings of zeal, love, sentiment, and passion. Send this beautiful bouquet to your closest friends and family members for any occasion to let them know that your admiration and affection for them is as strong as ever. These multicolored long-stemmed roses are the ideal gift, whether it is for Valentine's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or simply because you are thinking about them. They are the perfect way to demonstrate your undying love and dedication to the person you are giving them to. 


Details of the Bouquet


This amazing multicolored rose bouquet is composed of imported and fresh white, pink, peach, and red roses and spray roses with beautifully arranged pink and purple baby’s breath packed in two colored butter paper. This bouquet can also be customized according to the customer’s choice. All the flowers are very fresh and give a sense of affection with original fragrance and unique look.  




This wonderful bouquet is available at Blossoms Floral store, Lahore, Pakistan. They can deliver online in one day at your doorstep and the quality is so good, they always deliver fresh flowers. This bouquet costs only Rs 7450/-. They have an amazing collection of bouquets. You can go check online their other products too and choose according to the event. They have a wonderful collection for every relation and event. 


Product Categories


You can customize your bouquet in different categories like flower baskets, flower box, wedding specials, and floral artistry. Every category has its own charm and look.


Other bouquet options


Blossoms Floral are selling many beautiful bouquets, i.e., Pure romance red roses, Time to celebrate Black Rose, White Love, Red Roses Cheer up bunch, Refining Pink Glow, Love Box, Rose Valley Box, Flawless flutter, Stole Heart, Golden Pearl, Eid Wish article 13, Flower Teddy Bear, With Love, Be mine and many others. If you visit their shop, you cannot come back without buying anything. 


Why you should go for a multicolored roses bouquet? 


You should go for a multicolored rose’s bouquet because it has a variety of different colored roses that look so pretty. The pink and purple shaded baby’s breath looks so beautiful with the roses. The peach roses look so wonderful with white, pink, and red roses. This bouquet composition makes it look so unique and perfect. Also, this bouquet is not confined to any specific relation or event, you can give it to your friend, mother, sister, wife, or any person you want to make them feel special. Thanks to Blossoms Floral for introducing this perfect bouquet category.
